Life Stress Reduction (LSR)
Life Stress Reduction is a full program which makes use of a broad array of techniques, each designed to approach an issue, to remove emotional pain, resistance and confusion from that issue, and to bring one to a place of greater clarity and ease in relation to that issue.
A Life Stress Reduction Program is tailored to meet the needs of a particular viewer (client). It starts with an interview to gather information about the issues and areas of life that the client wishes to address and improve. The facilitator uses the information from the interview to design a case plan – the Life Stress Reduction Program – to suit what the viewer hopes to achieve during Life Stress Reduction.
Common issues viewers wish to address include traumatic experiences, relationship difficulties, low self-esteem, job or career concerns; dreaded future events, financial problems, and health concerns, but can include any subject of interest to a viewer. A variety of different types of techniques are typically used to address each main area of viewer concern until that area is fully handled to the viewer’s satisfaction.
Quality of life is all about you being able to use your full abilities and being freed up from painful events of the past and confusing situations in the present. When we are stuck in a negative place, mentally or emotionally, it can be hard to remember that life can have a rewarding, luminous, engaging quality. It can be uplifting, exciting, and fulfilling. At the end point of Life Stress Reduction a viewer feels a new freshness and interest in life along with diminished concern about both past events and current life situations that had been bothering him or her before.
See workshops description and training calendar for opportunities.
See the TIR Association for opportunities to personally engage in this rewarding work with a trained facilitator.