Upcoming Training Dates
Prerequisite: Ability Enhancement Workshops Levels 1-3
Time: 2 1/2 Days
This workshop covers the Resolution Section of the Ability Enhancement viewing curriculum. One of the major issues that disturbs a person is conflict, inconsistency, incompatibility, misalignment or incongruity; in other words, problems. When faced with an incongruity that is of concern, one will tend to fixate one’s attention on it. That is why a facilitator will address problems and worries when they arise before or during a session. Being fixated in a problem greatly inhibits case progress. This section of Ability Enhancement provides a more permanent ability to inspect problems and a greater ability to resolve them. The result is a state of inner greater congruity or harmony, and also a greater degree of decisiveness: “resolution”, in both senses of the word.
As demonstrated through examination and supervised activities, the student will be able to:
- Facilitate an array of objective techniques
- Understand the theory of problems and problem resolution
- Facilitate the techniques of the Resolution Section
- An understanding of the theory of how and why objective techniques work
- An understanding of the theory of the Expanded Orientation and Awareness Program, when it may be used, and the kinds of end points available from the techniques in this program
- Knowledge of how to use objective techniques from the point of view of a technical director
- Comprehensive Theory of Objective Techniques
- The rational of objective techniques
- How objective techniques relate to problem resolution
- The Resolution Section
- Theory of problems and problem resolution
- Resolution techniques – objective
- Resolution techniques – subjective
- Expanded Orientation and Awareness Program