- Applied Metapsychology: Therapy or Personal Growth? by Frank A. Gerbode, MD
- Applied Metapsychology: The Un-Belief System by Frank A. Gerbode, MD
- The Care of Facilitators: A Technical Director’s Point of View by Marian Volkman, CTS
- Case Planning and the Use of Exploration by Marian Volkman, CTS
- Critical Issues in Trauma Resolution by Frank A. Gerbode, MD
- Deepening Client Engagement by Marian Volkman, CTS
- Finding the Missing Person: The Person-Centered Approach by Frank A. Gerbode, MD
- A Psychologist Looks at Metapsychology by Lori Beth Bisbey, PhD
- From Psychology to Metapsychology: a Clinician’s Journey by Lori Beth Bisbey, PhD
- Learning by the Process of Data Sorting by Marian Volkman, CTS
- Manners and Metapsychology by Frank A. Gerbode, M.D.
- The Mind as the First Environment by Frank A. Gerbode, MD
- More Effective Rapport by Marian Volkman, CTS
- On the Nature of Hope by Frank A. Gerbode, MD
- Presence and Intention by Marian Volkman, CTS
- Psychological Foundations of Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) by Robert H. Moore, PhD
- A Psychologist Addresses Potential Concerns of the Mental Health Community by John Durkin, PhD
- Resilience, Defenses, and Case Progress by Marian Volkman, CTS
- Some Reflections on Cognitive Therapy by Frank A. Gerbode, MD
- To Be or Not to Be – Aware by Frank A. Gerbode, MD
- Traumatic Incident Reduction: Primary Resolution of the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder by Robert H. Moore, PhD
- A Quick Look Under the Hood: The Amygdala, Hippocampus and Traumatic Memories by Robert H. Moore, PhD
- What is Science by Frank A. Gerbode, MD
- Why Applied Metapsychology? by Frank A. Gerbode, MD
- Conflict Resolution: A TIR-related Technique for Small Groups by John Durkin, PhD, TIRT, LSRT