Upcoming Training Dates
Prerequisite: Ability Enhancement Workshops Levels 1-2
Time: 2 1/2 Days
This workshop covers the Communication Section of the Ability Enhancement viewing curriculum. Communication is the key to resolving difficulties in life. The viewer’s contacts with other people are usually what are most problematic in life. Beyond that, we may say that communication is, or can be, one of the greatest joys of living. Enhanced ability to communicate improves the quality of life most effectively. Communication comes early in Ability Enhancement work also because it is crucial that there be a clean and workable communication channel between the facilitator and the viewer before getting into problem resolution and the subjects of the sections later on.
Everyone has the ability to communicate. Removing charge on the subject and exercising that innate ability brings that ability more under the command of the person. As in all sections of Ability Enhancement, the subject is addressed in many ways, and on a variety of flows.
As demonstrated through examination and supervised activities, the student will be able to:
- More effectively build and maintain rapport
- Recognize and make use of physical indicators of charge
- Facilitate the techniques of the Communication Section
- Comprehensive understanding of the component parts of the complete communication cycle
- The ability to differentiate between social and session communication
- How to build a viewer’s ability to communicate
- Communication and Enhanced Rapport
- Presence and intention
- Interest
- Differentiating the parts of communication, in social vs. session situations
- Exercises
- Physical Indicators of Charge
- The Communication Section
- Theory of communication
- Advanced Communication Exercises
- Techniques of the Communication Section