Selected citations about Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) in academic literature.
- Coping with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Guide for Families, by Cheryl A. Roberts, McFarland & Company, 2003 ISBN 0786417366, pp. 96-97 (Chapter 7 discusses EMDR and TIR)
- Brief Treatments for the Traumatized: A Project of the Green Cross Foundation, edited by Charles R Figley, 2002, CRC Press ISBN: 031332137X, pp. 252-265 (Chapter 12 by Pamela Vest Valentine, PhD on TIR)
- Got Parts? An Insider’s Guide to Managing Life Successfully with Dissociative Identity Disorder, by A.T.W, 2005 ISBN 1932690034, Loving Healing Press. p. 170. mentions TIR as a possible treatment approach for DID clients who are ready for it.
- Energy Psychology, by Fred P. Gallo, ISBN 574441841, CRC Press. pp. 18-23 on TIR and three other techniques studies in Figley’s “Active Ingredient” project. 1998
- Not Trauma Alone: Therapy for Child Abuse Survivors in Family and Social Context, Steven L. Gold, pp. 220-227 recommends TIR for use with survivors of PCA (Prolonged Child Abuse). ISBN: 1583910271, Brunner-Routledge. 2000
- Creating a Comprehensive Trauma Center: Choices and Challenges, by Mary Beth Williams, Lasse A. Nurmi, ISBN 030646327X, Plenum Press. p. 38 indicates that “TIR may be effective for uncomplicated PTSD.” 2001.
- Trauma: A Practitioners Guide to Counselling, by Thom Spiers, ISBN: 0415186943. Brunner-Routledge. 2002. p. 119 says that “Clients who have a tendency to cut off from their feelings when talking about the incident may benefit from TIR.” There are a few other mentions throughout the book.
- Bullying and Emotional Abuse in the Workplace: International Perspectives in Research and Practice, by Cary Cooper, p.276 article by Noreen Tehrani “illustrates how TIR helped a manager deal with the painful memory of a difficult team meeting.” with actual session dialog. ISBN 0415253594, CRC Press, 2002.
- Crisis Intervention Handbook: Assessment, Treatment, and Research, Ed by Albert R. Roberts, ISBN: 019513365X, Oxford University Press, 2000, has a chapter by Pamela Vest Valentine, PhD on Adult Survivors of Incest: p. 265 states that “Both TIR and group treatment have been tested and found effective in assisting clients in answering old questions and generating new options”.
- Peak States of Consciousness: Theory and Applications, Volume 1: Breakthrough Techniques for Exceptional Quality of Life, by McFetridge, Aldana, Hardt and Slavinski (2004) “Although as laymen we tend to think of trauma as extending over time, in reality trauma is composed of discrete moments in time. These moments often form a chain of traumatic moments linked by their sensation content. Several therapies take advantage of this fact in healing, such as Body-Centered Therapy by Gay Hendricks, Traumatic Incident Reduction by Frank Gerbode, and my own Whole-Hearted Healing.” ( p.65 )
- Simple and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Strategies for Comprehensive Treatment in Clinical Practice, by Mary Beth Williams SBN: 0789002981, Haworth Press, 2002, Chapter 12, by Chrys J. Harris, PhD. p. 270 “Using TIR as the treatment of choice for the family members when there is vicarious, chiasmal, or intra-family trauma should allow the family therapist to treat the individual family members in a relatively brief time.”
- Counselling Individuals: A Rational Emotive Behavioural Handbook, 4th Ed, (2005) by Windy Dryden, Michael Neenan. Mentions that TIR is effective for PTSD symptoms.
- Depth Oriented Brief Therapy (DOBT) : How to Be Brief When You Were Trained to Be Deep and Vice Versa (Jossey Bass Social and Behavioral Science Series) ISBN: 0787901520, pub date 1995, by Bruce Ecker on page 217:
“Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) is a technique developed by psychotherapists Frank Gerbode and Gerald French for fundamentally resolving (rather than merely managing or controlling) post-traumatic stress symptomatology. It is a process for rapidly accessing and dispelling the unconscious traumatic constructions of reality set up by the client during a traumatic event.”
“In DOBT terms, the TIR technique efficiently carries out radical inquiry and position work in relation to a particular type of pro-symptom position, one in which the (ongoing) emotional reality was formed by a traumatic incident. This repetitive, detailed, subjective review instigates a thorough emotional processing of this memory, progressively filling in lost details and unfolding the crucial moments of meaning-formation that occurred during the incident. This brings about a spontaneous emergence into awareness of the symptom-generating meanings, construals, intentions, and protective actions that were unconsciously formed. Thus, the TIR process fits very well within the DOBT framework of psychotherapy.” - Crisis Intervention for Disaster Workers: An Introduction, 2007 by George W. Doherty, MS, LPC. ISBN 978-1-932690-42-2. Rocky Mountain DMH Institute Press. pp. 156-157:
“TIR has been used in relieving a wide range of fears, limiting beliefs, suffering due to losses (including unresolved grief and mourning), depression, and PTSD symptoms.” - From Crisis To Recovery: Strategic Planning For Response, Resilience And Recovery 2010, by George W. Doherty, MS, LPC. ISBN 978-1-61599-015-3. Rocky Mountain DMH Institute Press. pp. 93-94:
“TIR’s uniqueness lies, in part, in the fact that a session continues until the viewer is completely relieved of whatever stress the target trauma originally provoked and any cognitive distortions (e.g., observations, decisions, conclusions) embedded within the incident have been restructured.” - Proceedings of the 5th Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Conference 2007, edited by George W. Doherty. Contains the following papers exploring TIR applications:
“Resolving Distress: The Medical Myth” by John Durkin, PhD
“A Soldier’s Trauma – Everyone’s Trauma” by Nancy L. Day, Certified Trauma Specialist
“The Dissociation of Abigail: A Psychodynamic and Behavioral Assessment by Alan L. Hensley”
Assessing and Treating Trauma and PTSD by Linda Schupp PhD (2004)